Tuesday, August 09, 2011

a busy 6 month break from blogging......

Well I must say that one of my most favorite things to do is share what fantastic things my children are doing, saying, and dreaming and I love sharing them with folks I don't get to talk to much who I know love my kids and would love updates.

I had this blog public and will be making it private tomorrow so is you want to join, please do....I plan on sharing again and a lot about each of my munchkins-pictures too.

Unfortunately I had to go this route because I had a bad bad person reading this for nosey purposes and leaving some pretty hateful comments. I am a busy mother and wife and do not have time for the bs so this is the easiest way to get her to stop.

Can't wait to share with you what has been going on with Jasmin, Caiden, Jordyn and Dillon.....there is never a dull moment-they weren't kidding when they said that:)

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

And now we make 6!

It's hard to believe that it has been 2 months since my last blog entry! Can't say that I don't know why it has taken me so long. We have been busy:) Our baby pickle was born on Feb 16 at 7:37pm. It was a long day but well worth the wait.

Chris, Jazzy, and I woke up bright and early to drive to the hospital for the induction. On our way, the most gorgeous sunset greeted us and I couldn't help but think there was a special reason why. I even put it as my status on facebook and my neighbor commented that she was thinking the same thing, how nice.

My midwife was amazing! It was such an awesome experience having her there with us. I told my husband it was like having a long lost friend in the room with me. She was in and out all day as was everyone else! At first, my contractions were so strong and close together that she thought the baby would come by noon, however, the pickle had other plans. So it turned out to be quite a long day at the hospital especially for the bean and superman but they were awesome and did a lot of hanging out with mamaw.

Believe it or not, the fact that I was about to have another child was completely unreal to me until the minute I started to push. I expressed this concern to my midwife and she said that it would be very real in about 5 minutes. How right she was.

As I pushed, my hand was held by Jazzy who whispered encouraging words and a million i love yous, Superman and my husband counted to 10, and my mother was there right behind them taking pictures. The only person missing was the bean but we knew she would be much to overwhelmed by the experience. I wasn't sure until right before if superman was going to be with us or not. I wanted him to all along but just wanted to make sure we were making the right decision. Well, he played doctor all day and by the conversations he had with my midwife and the viewings of just about everything-we knew he would be just fine. What a beautiful and magical experience this was for our family. I highly recommend having your children at the birth of others if you are able. Jazzy even cut the cord! Her and I definitely have our moments (especially now that she is now in the wonderful teen years) but watching her be there while her brother and sisters are born has shown me how truly special she is and how very proud I am of her and what a beautiful young woman she is growing up to be.

The pickle was born weighing 8lb with a full head of hair! She was, she is......stunning. She has completed our family and I am completely in love with her. I can't believe once again how truly blessed I am. She is already 2 months old and has just grown out of her newborn clothes. She is now smiling and trying to talk and is a pretty darn good sleeper at night!

I am excited and nervous about being a mother of 4 but am going to try my best to be one that each of my children can be proud of. They are all so special and full of love and Chris and I are so so lucky!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

The time has come......to welcome baby girl #3

It is currently 11:42pm and I am suppose to be at the hospital at 6:30am. Of course I should probably be getting some shut eye but still trying to pack, clean, and do laundry. I have been joking about my "hospital stay" and how it is going to be more like a vacation for me but i miss my kiddos already:( I will see them throughout the days while I am there but it's not the same as going home with them.

Even though I know things will be a little hectic when I get home, I will be thankful to be there with my whole family, my husband, my mother, my 4 kiddos, and Uncle Brook! I can't wait to tuck my babies into bed all together and start our family as the family we are soon to be..the Clark-Wimmer clan of 6.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Into the final stretch...

I had my 36 week appt yesterday and I have been cleared, meaning if I go into labor again-Terbutaline will not be used to stop it! How happy I am to hear that:) Our baby girl weighs approximately 5lb 15oz which sounds huge to me at this point but only happens to be in the 43 percentile. They did remark, however, that she seems to have a good size noggin....that trait she would inherit from superman her big brother! Of course her weight isn't exact, it can be 1/2lb off so actually she weighs between 5 1/2 and 6 1/2 lb. She is also in position, thank goodness because she has really enjoyed spreading out sideways for most of the pregnancy which 1-has been pretty uncomfortable and 2-terrifies me because I would much rather not have a cesarean.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Recipes Needed!!!

Needless to say, time is approaching fast for us and our little one! I am looking for casserole recipes that I can make now, freeze, and warm up the afternoon of and as many as I can get my hands on! Our family eats mostly chicken and turkey as far as meat goes and are also welcomed to vegetarian dishes. So, please, if you have a recipe that fits-please share under comments!!! Thank you:)

Preterm labor, again

Last Thursday morning as I was sitting down at my desk and writing a check for school lunch to give Jasmin that morning, I felt it. A true painful contraction that just took place everywhere in my stomach. It hurt so bad I had to catch my breath. Jasmin asked if she should stay, I of course told her no, it's fine-don't miss your bus.

Friday, January 07, 2011

Crawling out of my skin, Part 2

When I woke up Thursday morning, I had to check my phone/texts because I had no memory of my communications the night before after taking the Ambien. The last text was from my mom saying that she would be here around 7am! I did respond with it's okay, I'm fine. But she didn't listen and was here around 7:15am Thursday morning which truly was a godsend. I felt terrible because my mom who is working and also taking care of my Aunt Tona who just had her knee replaced really should be driving out anywhere and spending any of her valuable time anywhere else other than home but that's what my mom does and I am so thankful and grateful.

Crawling out of my skin, Part 1

Unfortunately, it is another middle of the night for me-completely wide awake. The time now is 3:28am and my children will be waking in exactly 3 hours. Let me warn you before reading this entry that I am not in the best of moods, cranky is an understatement, and men who don't want to know some of the details that go along with a woman's body/pregnancy, stop reading now.

I so want to be one of those women who love being pregnant and I have been at times with each pregnancy but then when it starts taking over my body and more annoyances start happening especially at the same time that just make it utterly impossible to go on with my daily life, well I just dislike it more and more. Do those women not have any problems or are they just able to disregard them because of the miracle taking place in their body? I so need some of that positive energy right now.