I had my 36 week appt yesterday and I have been cleared, meaning if I go into labor again-Terbutaline will not be used to stop it! How happy I am to hear that:) Our baby girl weighs approximately 5lb 15oz which sounds huge to me at this point but only happens to be in the 43 percentile. They did remark, however, that she seems to have a good size noggin....that trait she would inherit from superman her big brother! Of course her weight isn't exact, it can be 1/2lb off so actually she weighs between 5 1/2 and 6 1/2 lb. She is also in position, thank goodness because she has really enjoyed spreading out sideways for most of the pregnancy which 1-has been pretty uncomfortable and 2-terrifies me because I would much rather not have a cesarean.
One of my dearest friends had a cesarean last summer and had no problems and in fact I believe would like to have all of her children that way but I just know myself and know I wouldn't nurse that wound the way it is suppose to be, not with these little ones I have at home! It's funny because I remember being young and pregnant with Jazzmatazz and pleading with my doctor to give me a cesarean because I was quite terrified of the whole vaginal delivery and honestly didn't think it was possible! I have had all my children that way and couldn't be more thankful. So far, I have had fairly long, but very easy deliveries.....which terrifies me a little for this last one! So keeping my fingers crossed that this delivery isn't too different from the others.
All children were present for the sono yesterday which is always a fun thing! Jazz was suppose to help keep an eye on the little ones and take pictures but couldn't take her eyes off the TV screen and her newest sister which is so awesome to see so I really couldn't be mad! Superman squealed at the site of her and of course didn't stop talking to the sonographer to even take a breath about how that's his new baby, he's the big brother, he's going to take care of her, etc, etc, etc and the bean just pointed at her little sister and said baby over and over again. Oh and superman and the bean were causing quite a commotion with cars/trucks or some kind of toy on wheels. Oh well, what can you do. The exciting and surprising this is that we get to see her every week through sono at my appointments until she is born. This is quite a treat for me and not one that I have had with the other kiddos-hope my insurance won't be surprised by this!
I am going to add the sono picture from yesterday and try and post one each week to see the changes if there are any...should be interesting. I thought this was quite a good picture and had Chris all worked up to see it but he was quite disappointed when he got home and saw it. He said he couldn't really see anything and kept turning the photo around???? How can we be looking at the same picture and have such different views?
stats: dialated 1cm
effaced 50%
Hoping these will change in the next week!
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