Friday, January 07, 2011

Crawling out of my skin, Part 2

When I woke up Thursday morning, I had to check my phone/texts because I had no memory of my communications the night before after taking the Ambien. The last text was from my mom saying that she would be here around 7am! I did respond with it's okay, I'm fine. But she didn't listen and was here around 7:15am Thursday morning which truly was a godsend. I felt terrible because my mom who is working and also taking care of my Aunt Tona who just had her knee replaced really should be driving out anywhere and spending any of her valuable time anywhere else other than home but that's what my mom does and I am so thankful and grateful.

At one point, she sat down with the kids and read them books per their request and I snuck upstairs for about an hour and a half for a much needed snooze. I then even had the chance to take a shower!!! After that, we ventured out on our way to the hospital for round 2 of the Betamethasone. We stopped at Safeway on the way so I could pick up some diapers and the guy next to me (who didn't look the slightest bit familiar) in line asked if I was feeling better? This would be the guy who was working at the gas station snack shop the night before during my Ambien episode. I told him how glad I was to run into him because I certainly didn't want him to think I was drunk (or worse) and preggers but he said he didn't and figured I was just out of it so I explained a little of what was going on. Nice guy he was.

We get to the hospital and I get dressed in my fantastic hospital gown and get in bed. I told the nurse the advice the nurse the night before had given me about the ice and asked her for a "ziploc bag full of ice". Clearly, she was a bit busy so sure enough grabbed one of the packs that she didn't have to leave the room for and gave it to me. It was barely cold but I hate to make a fuss so I would just deal. Thank god she asked me 10min later if I was numb yet. I, of course, wasn't so she went and got the bag of ice! The 2nd shot wasn't as bad as the first (maybe because I knew what to expect) and I was nice and numb. Don't get me wrong, there was definitely pain involved but you have to expect some of that in this whole situation! The monitor was picking up contractions that I wasn't even feeling and eventually stopped so I was released.

After the hospital, we made it to Jazz's ball game, my mom made sure we had dinner and then left for the evening. She even offered to take both little ones so I could get some rest since she had the following day off but well they are a bit attached and it just wasn't worth the fight.

I took Tylenol pm last night before bed and it did crap. I slept maybe 1 hour total. Thank goodness for the energy I somehow was blessed with today to not only keep my eyes open but to have some much needed playtime with my little ones. I was also blessed with a nap that they both took with me.

I felt very guilty after my post last night because I know that I am very lucky and I didn't mean to sound ungrateful. I think I just really needed to vent. And instead of making a daily complaint on facebook for all my friends and family to have to see when my status pops up, this seemed like the better place. I am very grateful for my health, for my husband, for my children and all of their health. I am very grateful that I am even able to have these beautiful children. And I do feel better when I can vent especially when I can look back and see how lucky I am.

I am also very grateful for my mother who is always willing to drop everything and be there for her children even when she has a lot going on and even when they tell her no. I aspire to be there for each one of my children for their entire lives just the way my mom has been there for me. That is why we have children, isn't it?

Today was a good day and I can only pray that tomorrow will be as well.

1 comment:

  1. You are a wonderful mother!!!!! But you need to take time for yourself. Also time for you & hubby.
