Materials needed
Paper Plate
Green construction paper
Red or gold yarn
This is yet another easy one but a little more work involved. I also think this is a great craft to send to family members ESPECIALLY if you can add a photo of your little one to it!
Trace your child's hand approx 12 times on green construction paper. Cut out hands as well as the middle of the paper plate. Use hole puncher to make a hole in the top of the paper plate. Cut a piece of yarn and tie so you are able to hang your wreath when you are finished. Glue the hands around the edge of the paper plate (covering all of it) with fingers pointing outward. Tie a bow with ribbon and staple/glue/tape to the bottom center of the wreath. Your child can decorate the wreath with stickers, glitter, etc or keep with just hands. You can attach a picture of your child in the middle of the wreath either hanging from top or coming up from bottom. You can also get a few different pictures of your child over the last year and attach them to the palm of the hands.
I can't find the pic, but someone posted on the bump the other day about a cute one: Paint LOs feet brown and then have him/her stand on paper - making two foot prints. Then you (or your child) can draw on antlers, add in a red cotton/puff ball for a nose (down at the heel of the foot print), draw in eyes and voila - footprint reindeer!