Jojobean turned 2 on September 25th and has wasted no time transferring into a strong-willed, independent little girl. It didn't happen overnight but it wasn't a slow transformation either. All of a sudden my little baby has taken it upon herself to grow up in so many ways!
Because she doesn't have 100% of her hearing in her left ear, she has started speech therapy. She has had 3 sessions which are every other week at our house. Of course I was nervous about a stranger coming into our house and putting so much focus on jojo because she isn't to keen on strangers or other people beside her family in general. However, we have seen 2 different therapists (our first left because of pregnancy) and I am so proud of how willing and friendly she has been! I'm not sure if its the therapy, the age, or just the awareness from us all but she is REALLY trying so hard and doing such a great job! When we started (2 months ago) she had about 5 words. She now has about 20 and is even trying to say 2-3 words together AND repeating us!!!